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Late Night with Seth Meyers: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at former President George W. Bush accidentally confessing to being a war criminal and Republicans voting against bills that would address the nationwide shortage of baby formula.

George W. Bush’s Shocking Gaffe; Republicans Vote Against Baby Formula Bill: A Closer Look

See What People are saying

The irony of Republicans being vehemently for the rights of an unborn fetus yet against anything that supports an actual born child is so deafening it’s waking up the neighbors.


It wasn’t a gaffe, it was a confession

Amethyst Savage

I’ll never understand the pride so many republicans today get from hurting others, it’s just not something I’m even capable of wishing on another let alone actually putting my name on a vote against helping others. I really do wonder where this road ends for us, because it’s going to take decades to clean up the near 50% of republicans who say they agree with Tuckers “Replacement Theory” BS…


I almost didn’t make it through this video. Listening to the Fox News talking heads discuss “illegal babies” broke something in me. If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my yard screaming.

Kacey Murphy

The way trump explained how to remember the USMCA….I have no doubt whatsoever that trump couldn’t remember it so someone told him to think of YMCA but replace the Y with US.

You know that’s what someone told him. And you can see how proud he is of himself when repeating USMCA over and over like a child who just learned a new word.


What do you think?

Written by dailyrankr

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