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Wild Moments From The Price Is Right

The Price Is Right’s Wildest Moments: From Hilarious Mishaps to Near-Scandals

Welcome to the ultimate roundup of the craziest moments in history of The Price Is Right! From Bob Barker’s blunders to Drew Carey’s close calls, sit tight for a wild ride through the world of The Price Is Right.

Bob Gives Away The Answer

Let’s kick things off with a classic Barker blooper from ’84. Picture this: a contestant named Albert is playing Pick-A-Pair when Barker, in a moment of pure excitement, spills the beans on the correct answer. “Wait a minute, the game’s not over!” Barker exclaimed, realizing his mistake mid-game. But hey, at least he owned up to it with some good old-fashioned self-deprecation!

Plinko Game Was Rigged

Fast forward to the Drew Carey era, where things got real interesting real fast. In one Plinko game, a college girl dropped three chips straight into the $10,000 slot, setting the crowd on fire with excitement. But hold the phone – turns out, the game was rigged! Cue the dramatic music. Carey thought he was about to lose his job, but it was all just a misunderstanding. Phew!

The Perfect Bid On The Showcase Showdown

But wait, there’s more! Who could forget the time Terry Kniess made Price Is Right history with a perfect bid on the Showcase Showdown? No cheating involved – just good old-fashioned studying and a whole lot of luck. And let’s not overlook Julie, who played the game on crutches after injuring her ankle during a Big Wheel spin. Talk about dedication!

Model Accidently Gives Away Free Car

And then there’s Manuela Arbeláez, who accidentally spilled the beans on a car’s price during a game, giving the contestant an unexpected win. Whoopsie daisy!

Contestant Dislocates Shoulder Celebrating

But perhaps the most jaw-dropping moment of all was Henry’s victory celebration gone wrong. After winning a game of Bonkers, he got a little too excited and ended up dislocating his shoulder. Ouch! His wife stepped in to spin the Big Wheel for him, proving that nothing – not even a dislocated shoulder – can stop the Price Is Right fun.

So there you have it, folks – a whirlwind tour through The Price Is Right’s biggest blunders, scandals, and downright hilarious moments. Who knows what the future holds for this iconic game show? One thing’s for sure – with The Price Is Right, you never know what’s going to happen next!

What do you think?

Written by dailyrankr

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