
List of Surprising History Facts for Kids

  1. Ketchup was once sold as a medicine in the 1830s.
  2. Ice pops were accidentally invented by an 11-year-old in 1905.
  3. Tug-of-war was once an Olympic sport from 1900 to 1920.
  4. Iceland boasts the world’s oldest parliament, the Althing, established in AD 930.
  5. In the 1840s, people said “Prunes!” instead of “Cheese!” in photographs to keep their mouths taut.
  6. Dunce caps were originally thought to enhance intelligence in the 13th century.
  7. In Ancient Rome, Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus made his horse a Senator.
  8. Buzz Aldrin was the first to urinate on the moon during his 1969 lunar walk.
  9. Rats were responsible for spreading the Black Death, killing over 75 million Europeans in the Middle Ages.
  10. The 3 Musketeers candy bar initially had three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.
  11. The Vikings discovered America around 500 years before Christopher Columbus.
  12. Easter Island is home to 887 giant head statues, each weighing around 28,000 pounds.
  13. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, key figures in the Declaration of Independence, died within hours of each other.
  14. Author Morgan Robertson’s novella “The Wreck of the Titan” predicted the sinking of the Titanic in 1898.
  15. President Abraham Lincoln used his top hat to store important notes and papers.
  16. The Eiffel Tower was originally intended for Barcelona but ended up in Paris.
  17. Napoleon Bonaparte was attacked by a horde of bunnies during a rabbit hunt.
  18. The University of Oxford, founded in 1096, predates the Aztec Empire.
  19. The Leaning Tower of Pisa leans due to construction issues, not gradual movement.
  20. Before toilet paper, Americans used corn cobs for personal hygiene.
  21. “Albert Einstein” is an anagram for “ten elite brains.”
  22. Ancient Rome had female gladiators known as Gladiatrices.
  23. Ancient Egyptians celebrated New Year’s with Wepet Renpet, marking the annual Nile River flooding.
  24. The Empire State Building has its own unique zip code, 10118.
  25. The Statue of Liberty served as a lighthouse for 16 years.
  26. “J” was the last letter added to the alphabet, not “Z.”
  27. Alexander the Great may have been buried alive due to a neurological disorder.
  28. Cleopatra was a Greek descendant, not Egyptian.
  29. “The Avengers,” a group of Jewish assassins, hunted Nazi war criminals after World War II.
  30. No one was burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials; they were jailed or hanged.
  31. A Great Dane named Juliana extinguished an incendiary bomb during World War II by urinating on it.
  32. The shortest war in history, the Anglo-Zanzibar War, lasted only 38 minutes.
  33. Hungarian countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed was a notorious serial killer, responsible for over 650 deaths.
  34. George Washington operated a whiskey distillery after his presidency.
  35. President Zachary Taylor died from a cherry overdose on the 4th of July in 1850.
  36. During the Great Depression, people used food sacks as clothing.
  37. In Ancient Greece, redheads were believed to become vampires after death.
  38. Russia ran out of vodka while celebrating the end of World War II.
  39. Andrew Jackson had a pet parrot with a potty mouth.
  40. In the Victorian age, people photographed deceased loved ones.
  41. Tablecloths were originally used as communal napkins.
  42. Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender before becoming president.
  43. The first Medals of Honor were awarded during the Civil War.
  44. “Knocker-uppers” were hired to wake people up in the morning before alarm clocks.
  45. In the 18th century, pineapples were a symbol of status.
  46. Saint Lawrence told a joke as he was being roasted to death by the Romans.
  47. Cars were invented in the 19th century by European engineers Karl Benz and Emile Levassor, not in the United States.
  48. Human bones were found in Benjamin Franklin’s basement, used for the study of human anatomy.
  49. The tallest married couple ever recorded was Anna Haining Swan and Martin Van Buren Bates.
  50. Johnny Appleseed, John Chapman, was a real person who dreamed of producing abundant apples to end hunger.

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Written by Busby Williams

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