
Larrimah a Tiny Town with More Drama than a Soap

Larrimah, a tiny Australian town that’s more mysterious than your uncle’s “secret” barbecue sauce recipe! Located a whopping 431 kilometers southeast of Darwin, it’s so remote that even GPS devices give up and just say, “Good luck!”

In the 2016 census, Larrimah boasted a population of 47 brave souls. But by 2021, it had decided to host an exclusive party and only 27 people were on the guest list. The good news is that a baby was born in 2022, elevating the population to new heights… or rather, a few feet higher.

The town’s history reads like a blockbuster movie plot. It was established during World War II and played a pivotal role in troop movements and military supplies. Think of it as the Avengers’ secret headquarters, only with more kangaroos.

But Larrimah’s story goes back much further than that. The Yangman people inhabited the area for over 40,000 years. They believed that the Dreaming tracks of the Storm Bird created Larrimah, which means “meeting place” in their language. So, this place has been the go-to spot for meetings for quite some time. Who knew?

During World War II, Larrimah was a bustling hub. It had a military camp, an airfield, and was the largest army base in Australia. It was so busy that it could have given Disneyland a run for its money (well, if Disneyland had soldiers and less cotton candy).

In the post-war era, the town was crucial for transporting iron ore until it was hit by an economic slump. The railway, which was once the lifeblood of Larrimah, closed in 1981. It’s like the town went from hosting superhero battles to becoming a ghost town.

Now, if you thought this town’s history was bizarre, hold onto your kangaroo hats. Paddy Moriarty, a local legend, disappeared along with his dog Kellie. It’s like they were abducted by aliens, but without the cool spaceships. Despite extensive searches and a $250,000 reward, they’ve never been found. The plot thickened when a coroner concluded that Paddy was likely killed due to a feud with his neighbors. Can we get Sherlock Holmes on the case?

And if you can’t get enough of this quirky place, you’re in luck. There’s a crime podcast, a book, a documentary, and even a Radio National series dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of Larrimah. It’s like the town is auditioning for its own reality TV show!

So, there you have it, Larrimah, a town that’s seen more drama than a soap opera, and a mystery that even Sherlock would scratch his head over. Who needs Hollywood when you’ve got a town like this Down Under?

What do you think?

Written by Busby Williams

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